伯恩丘(Cote-de-Beaune)起自高登山丘(Corton Hill),而高登普傑園( )是高登山丘東面其中一個村落,或者稱之為一個土丘會更貼切。Corton大概解作莊園,好比貴族的庭院,而 Pougets是井的意思。...

Riedel v Hosemaster: A letter from Wine Writers' Circle of Canada
As member of the Wine Writers' Circle of Canada and in support of all WWCC, I would like to share with you the following statements...

Let's embrace Change!
My updated work profile. That is getting better, for the time being. https://www.facebook.com/kevin.k.tang1?ref=tn_tnmn #kevintang...

WSET Diploma Tasting, Part 1
I wish to share with you some of the answering techniques some fellow WSET teachers amd friends were able to share woth me. The following...

On self-learning strategies
Eyeballing wine, swirling and sniffing and swishing ... it may look complicated or even snobbish, but the traditional wine-tasting...